From Monday the 8th May 2023 our Ermington Studio will return to:

Ermington Community Centre, 6 River Rd, Ermington NSW 2115

Dance Blog

Beyond the Mainstream: 8 Unique Dance Traditions
When people think of dance styles, they usually think of popular genres like hip-hop, ballet, and salsa. However, there are many unique and lesser-known dance forms from cultures around the world. These underappreciated styles often have deep cultural significance and histories behind their movements. From the martial arts-inspired dances of India to the rhythmic contortions of […]
Folk Dance: A Celebration of Culture and Tradition
Folk dance is a vibrant expression of culture and tradition, a celebration of the rich heritage of different regions and communities around the world. These dances reflect the unique customs, beliefs, and values of a particular country or region. They are an integral part of social gatherings and are often performed at weddings, festivals, and […]
That’s Entertainment! Iconic Dance Scenes in Films and Television
Dance sequences in film and television can leave a lasting impact on pop culture. When the right combination of choreography, music, and visuals come together, the results can be unforgettable. Some performances become iconic, perfectly capturing the essence of their time while showcasing the incredible talent of the performers.  Let's take a trip down memory […]